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Multi-word Results
bring into play to put into motion or effect.
by-play less important action that takes place at the same time as the main action, esp. in a play.
child's play something that is very easily done; cinch.
double play in baseball, a single play in which two players are put out.
fair play the act of following, honorably, the established rules of a game or sport; honorable conduct in business or any other competitive activity.
foul play treacherous action, esp. violence against a person or persons.
match play a type of golf competition in which each side scores a point for each hole won, regardless of the total number of strokes. (Cf. medal play.)
medal play a type of golf competition in which the total number of strokes taken by each side determines the score. (Cf. match play.)
miracle play a type of medieval religious drama that depicted the lives of saints or Biblical stories.
morality play an allegorical drama with characters that personify certain vices and virtues, intended for the moral and theological instruction of the audience.
mystery play a medieval representation, in dramatic form, of a Biblical event, esp. the life, death, or resurrection of Jesus Christ. (Cf. miracle play, morality play.)
passion play a play, often performed around Easter, reenacting the suffering of Jesus Christ on the cross and the events relating to it.
play a trick to carry out a plan that deceives or makes a fool of someone and gives amusement to oneself or others (usu. fol. by "on").
play along to cooperate or pretend as if one is cooperating or agreeing.
play ball (slang) to do exactly as requested, esp. to avoid trouble or harm to oneself or others.
play by ear to play (a piece of music) just from the memory of the sound of it and not from reading the musical notation. [2 definitions]
play down to talk or act as if (something) is not as serious, great, or significant as it is.
play footsie with (informal) to engage in flirtation or surreptitious sexual intimacies with, as by touching someone's foot beneath a table. [2 definitions]
play havoc with to destroy. [2 definitions]
play hob with to treat or trick mischievously.