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Multi-word Results
give (someone) a break to refrain from giving (someone) a punishment or negative consequence, although such punishment or consequence would normally be expected. [3 definitions]
give (someone) a buzz (informal) to telephone (someone).
give (someone) a ring (informal) to telephone (someone).
give a wide berth to to stay out of the way of.
give away to surrender possession of (something) or give as a gift. [4 definitions]
give back to return (something) to someone after taking, using, or borrowing. [3 definitions]
give birth (of a female human or animal) to deliver offspring into the world.
give in to agree to something that one is reluctant to agree to (usu. fol. by "to"). [4 definitions]
give off to release into the air; emit.
give one's eyeteeth to give one's most valued possession, as for something that one greatly desires.
give out to distribute (something), usually by hand. [3 definitions]
give rise to to lead to; cause.
give someone a hand to help (someone) with a particular task.
give someone the finger (slang) to express anger or contempt by extending the middle finger upward.
give someone the slip to elude; escape.
give the gate to reject.
give up to stop (an activity), often reluctantly. [4 definitions]
give up the ghost to lose one's life; die.
give way to withdraw. [3 definitions]
give-and-take the act, process, or practice of compromising. [2 definitions]