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Multi-word Results
small arm (usu. pl.) a hand-held, low-caliber firearm, such as a pistol or rifle.
small calorie see "calorie."
small change coins of small denomination. [2 definitions]
small hours the early morning hours after midnight.
small intestine in vertebrates, the narrow part of the intestine in which digestion takes place, extending from the pyloric end of the stomach to the large intestine and consisting of the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum.
small potatoes (informal) persons or things of little or no importance or value.
small talk informal or unimportant conversation; chitchat.
small-minded having an attitude of, or characterized by, pettiness, selfishness, or narrow-mindedness.
small-scale constructed with fewer details as a smaller version of an original or of a proposed model. [2 definitions]
small-time of little significance or influence.
small-town of or characteristic of a small town. [2 definitions]