Dictionary Suite
Multi-word Results
changing of the guard a ceremony in which a guard is replaced by another guard.
coast guard (cap.) a U.S. military service that enforces maritime, customs, and immigration laws, aids vessels in distress, discourages smugglers, and defends the nation's coasts. [2 definitions]
color guard those who carry and escort a country's flag or several colored flags in a parade or ceremony.
crossing guard a school official, police officer, or volunteer who directs traffic and helps children to cross the streets around a school.
honor guard a guard assigned to attend honorable persons or guests or to walk alongside the casket at a military funeral.
off guard unprepared.
old guard (sometimes cap.) the most conservative members of a group, political party, or the like, often in positions of authority or influence.
on guard alert and prepared.
provost guard a police detail of soldiers under the command of a provost marshal.
rear guard a small detachment of soldiers who protect the rear of a larger unit, as in a retreat.
yeoman of the guard a member of the ceremonial guard of one hundred yeomen attending the British royal family.