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Multi-word Results
Black Shirt a member of a fascist military organization, esp. the former Italian one, whose uniform includes a black shirt.
brownshirt (often cap.) a member of the militia in Nazi Germany; storm trooper. [2 definitions]
hair shirt a coarse haircloth shirt or shift worn next to the skin as penance.
in one's shirt sleeves not wearing a coat.
keep one's shirt on (informal) to hold one's temper; refrain from becoming angry or impatient.
lose one's shirt (informal) to lose all that one owns.
polo shirt a pullover sport shirt of knitted cotton or a cotton blend, usu. having a soft collar and a button placket.
shirt-sleeve not wearing a coat; casually dressed. [3 definitions]
stuffed shirt (informal) a smug, pompous, self-satisfied, or inflexible person.
T-shirt a collarless undershirt with short sleeves, worn esp. by men and boys. [2 definitions]
tee shirt variant of T-shirt.