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th  weak form [or] thi  strong form
Homophone Note
part of speech: definite article
definition 1: used before nouns or noun phrases in order to specify something already understood.
The book (that I just mentioned) is a classic.
definition 2: used before titles.
the Prime Minister
definition 3: used to indicate that something is the most fashionable or distinctive of its kind (spoken with strong emphasis and pronounced the same as the word "thee." Often italicized or in all capitals when appearing in written text).
Club 88 is THE restaurant to be seen at nowadays, and you'll have to wait well over an hour for a table.
definition 4: used before nouns of climate or natural forces when these concepts are seen as universally identifiable.
The weather will be milder next week.The wind was blowing hard yesterday.
definition 5: used before the proper name of a group.
The English are famous for drinking tea.
definition 6: used before a proper geographic name.
The Mississippi River begins in Minnesota.
definition 7: used to indicate a decade.
The sixties was a decade of great social change in the twentieth century.
definition 8: used before an adjective to convert it into a noun.
I llike both dresses, but should I wear the red or the green tonight?
definition 9: used to indicate a generic group (used before a singular noun).
The cheetah is the fastest land animal.
definition 10: enough.
He didn't have the stamina to finish.
definition 11: per; each.
They are paid by the hour.Raspberries are sold by the pint.
Homophone Note
The words the1 and thee can sound alike, but they have different meanings.