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fast1 secure or firmly attached. [1/12 definitions]
fasten to close firmly or secure, as with a clasp, lock, buttons, or buckle. [1/8 definitions]
fastening that which is used to fasten or secure, such as a hook or clasp.
fastness a place that is secure against invasion or attack; stronghold. [1/3 definitions]
ferrule a short, sleevelike fitting used in piping or tubing to provide a secure fit or connection. [1/3 definitions]
foothold a secure position that provides a base for further progress or advancement. [1/2 definitions]
footing the secure placement of the feet, esp. while in motion. [1/4 definitions]
forelock2 to secure with a forelock. [1/2 definitions]
grapnel a similar hooking device used to secure or drag up objects. [1/2 definitions]
grapple a metal hook with several claws used to drag objects closer or secure them; grapnel. [2/6 definitions]
grasp to keep a secure hold on. [2/9 definitions]
guy2 a rope or similar device used to guide or secure something. [2 definitions]
home any place where one feels secure or at peace. [1/16 definitions]
hook to hold, hang, secure, or pull with or as with a hook. [1/19 definitions]
impound to confine or secure (water) in a reservoir. [1/3 definitions]
impregnable1 absolutely secure, as a point or position in a debate. [1/2 definitions]
ingratiate to seek or secure another's favor or approval for (oneself) (usu. fol. by "with").
insecure having insufficient protection; not safe or secure. [1/3 definitions]
invulnerable secure from attack; impregnable. [1/2 definitions]
jib boom a spar attached to and extending beyond the bowsprit of a sailing vessel, used to secure the jib or other headsail.
jig1 to secure or work on by using a jig. [1/4 definitions]