Dictionary Suite


parts of speech:
noun, intransitive verb, transitive verb
fish out of water
Word Combinations (noun, verb), Word Explorer
part of speech: noun
inflections: fish, fishes
definition 1: any of various cold-blooded vertebrates that live in water, have gills, fins, and a tail, and move by swimming.
definition 2: the flesh of fish eaten as food.
We had fish for dinner last night, and tonight we're going to have beef.We had fish for dinner last night, and tonight we're going to have beef.
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part of speech: intransitive verb
inflections: fishes, fishing, fished
definition 1: to catch or try to catch fish.
This is a popular spot on the river to fish.People fish for bass in this lake.Many of the people here fish for a living.
similar words:
definition 2: to search or grope for something, often in an indirect way.
She fished in her purse for some coins.He's always fishing around for new ideas.
similar words:
angle, grope
part of speech: transitive verb
definition 1: to catch or try to catch (a fish).
The last time I fished a trout from this river was over ten years ago.
definition 2: to catch or try to catch fish in (a body of water).
We used to fish the bay, but we've had no luck in recent years.
definition 3: to pull or draw out, esp. without looking or being able to see (often fol. by "up" or "out")
I fished a couple of socks out of the drawer.
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phrase: fish out of water
Word Explorer
people associated with fishing
some activities involved in fishing
some things used for fishing
some parts of fish
some actions associated with fish
some actions of fish