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Word Combinations (noun), Word Explorer, Word Parts
part of speech: noun
inflections: technologies
definition 1: an area of knowledge or expertise concerning the practical applications of science and industry, or the collective methods and inventions that are produced through research in such areas.
That country has vast natural resources but lacks the technology to exploit them.Her understanding of technology allows her to help us all out with our computer problems.
definition 2: a particular method of solving practical problems that has resulted from research in the fields of industrial arts and applied sciences, or a particular product or set of products that have been developed based on such research.
These houses are heated with the newest solar technology.The recruits are being trained to use the new technology.
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derivation: technologist (n.)
Word Explorer
similar to technology
some actions relating to technology
some broader categories that include technology
some descriptions of technology
some industries based on technology
some kinds of technology
some people associated with technology
some places associated with technology
some products of technology
some things conventionally associated with technology
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