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parts of speech:
noun, transitive verb, intransitive verb
Word Combinations (noun, verb), Word Builder, Word Explorer
part of speech: noun
definition 1: a hand or power tool with a thin metal blade edged with sharp teeth, used for cutting hard materials such as wood or metal.
definition 2: any similar power tool that has a sharpened edge rather than teeth, esp. one with a rotating, circular blade used for cutting metal.
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part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: saws, sawing, sawed, sawn
definition 1: to cut, separate, or shape with a saw or a tool that resembles a saw.
definition 2: to cut or divide as if with a saw.
part of speech: intransitive verb
definition 1: to use or operate a saw.
definition 2: to cut like a saw.
This blade doesn't saw well.
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derivations: sawlike (adj.), sawer (n.)
Word Builder: kinds of saws
  • band saw:
    a power saw that cuts with a metal band that moves around two wheels.
  • chain saw:
    a power saw that cuts with teeth linked in a circular chain.
  • hacksaw:
    a saw with a blade that can cut metal.
  • miter saw:
    a kind of table saw that can cut wood at an angle.
  • table saw:
    a power saw that is attached to a table and that has a blade shaped like a circle.
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  home, tool