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parts of speech:
noun, transitive verb, intransitive verb, auxiliary verb
Word Combinations (noun, verb), Homophone Note
part of speech: noun
definition 1: a requirement, necessity, or obligation.
A baby has many needs that must be fulfilled by parents or caregivers.Food and water are the body's primary needs.Many kids feel a need to rebel.They make just enough money to take care of their basic needs.
essential, must, necessary, obligation, requirement, requisite, sine qua non
similar words:
call, desideratum, duty, necessity, want
definition 2: the lack of something that is required or indispensable.
There is a need for skilled workers.The crops are in need of rain.
dearth, deficiency, insufficiency, lack, paucity, scarcity, shortage, want
similar words:
pinch, void
definition 3: obligation arising from the facts of a situation.
There is no need for you to be worried.
similar words:
claim, demand, obligation
definition 4: a state of want; poverty.
It is a shame that many people live in need.
destitution, indigence, necessity, penury, poverty, privation, want
similar words:
distress, extremity, misery, pinch, straits, trouble
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: needs, needing, needed
definition 1: to have a requirement for.
They need more money to support their families.All animals need water to live.The house needs painting and the windows need washing.
call for, claim, demand, require, want
similar words:
definition 2: to have or feel the obligation or necessity (to do or be something).
You need to sign the form on the front and back.I need to leave now, or I'll miss the bus.These patients need to be in bed.I'm tired; I need to take a break.
similar words:
definition 3: to require out of necessity or earnestly want.
Your country needs you to fight.We need them to help us, or we'll never get this finished.I need him to tell me he loves me.The boss needs this done by tomorrow.I need all the carpets vacuumed before the guests start to arrive.This item needs to be first on the agenda.These papers and folders need to be organized.I need for you to be patient just a little longer.
similar words:
require, want
part of speech: intransitive verb
definition 1: to be in want of something.
She needs for nothing.
lack, want
definition 2: to be necessary.
There needs to be a sturdy railing along these steps.
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
part of speech: auxiliary verb
inflections: needs, needing, needed
definition: to be under a necessity or an obligation (used mainly in negative statements or interrogatives).
You need not explain; I understand perfectly.He need not have attended the meeting; it didn't really concern him.They needn't be worried; everything will be fine.Need I be concerned about this?Need you leave so soon?
Homophone Note
Are you looking for the word knead (to press or rub)? Need and knead sound alike but have different meanings.