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parts of speech:
transitive verb, intransitive verb, noun
Word Combinations (verb, noun), Word Explorer
part of speech: transitive verb
pronunciation: e stih meIt
inflections: estimates, estimating, estimated
definition 1: to calculate the approximate amount, size, or value of.
We estimated our bill to be approximately three hundred dollars.We asked the carpenter to estimate how much the new garage would cost.I estimated the length of the room to be close to sixteen feet.
calculate, compute, figure, reckon
similar words:
appraise, approximate, assay, assess, evaluate, gauge, guess, judge, project, put, rate, value
definition 2: to judge or appraise.
He looked closely at the ring and estimated its value at around five thousand dollars.They estimated that their drinking water would last for just two more days.
appraise, assay, calculate, evaluate, judge, value
similar words:
assess, deduce, gauge, project
part of speech: intransitive verb
pronunciation: e stih meIt
definition: to make an estimate.
We estimate using these charts.
conjecture, guess, surmise, think
similar words:
believe, calculate, consider, judge
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
part of speech: noun
pronunciation: e stih miht
definition 1: a rough calculation or educated guess as to the amount, size, or value of something.
By my estimate, we hiked about fifteen miles today.
appraisal, estimation, evaluation, reckoning
similar words:
calculation, deduction, guess, judgment
definition 2: a judgment or appraisal.
We took the diamond to a jeweler for an estimate of its worth.
appraisal, assessment, estimation, evaluation, judgment
similar words:
idea, opinion, reckoning
definition 3: a preliminary calculation, as by a building contractor, of the cost of proposed work.
The second contractor's estimate was higher than the first, but it might be more realistic.
similar words:
appraisal, calculation, deduction, guess, judgment, quotation, reckoning
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
Word Explorer
  mathematics, measure, number