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parts of speech:
noun, intransitive verb, transitive verb
Word Combinations (noun, verb)
part of speech: noun
definition 1: a journey, voyage, or excursion.
We're planning a trip to New York next week.She made two business trips to China last year.I've always wanted to take a trip to South America to see the Andes.
similar words:
drive, excursion, expedition, jaunt, junket, outing, passage, pilgrimage, ride, tour, trek, voyage
definition 2: a short journey from one point to another.
I had to make a second trip to the store today because I forgot something.
similar words:
commute, drive, errand, excursion, foray, hop, jaunt, journey, ride, spin, stroll, walk
definition 3: a misstep causing one to stumble or fall.
A trip on the stairs caused him to break a leg.
misstep, stumble
similar words:
drop, fall, flip, flop, header, lurch, slide, slip, spill, sprawl, stagger, tumble
definition 4: an action that causes someone to stumble or fall.
similar words:
hindrance, obstruction
definition 5: (slang) euphoria, hallucinations, or the like experienced under a drug, particularly that of the drug LSD, or the period of such an experience.
During her last trip, she thought there was a zebra in her room.He was having such a bad trip that he was suddenly in terror of all of us.
similar words:
euphoria, hallucination, high, rush
definition 6: (slang) a particularly exciting, odd, or fascinating experience or person.
Being in that notorious part of the city at three in the morning was quite a trip.Wow! That guy with the snakes is a real trip.
definition 7: (slang) a phase involving intense interest or fascination with something.
I've been on this early Beatles trip recently.
similar words:
definition 8: (slang) a path that one takes in life.
He's on a self-discovery trip these days.What kind of trip are you on now, man? Have you gone back to Marxism?
similar words:
bag, lifestyle, path, phase, situation, thing
definition 9: an error; mistake.
error, fault, mistake, stumble
similar words:
blunder, boner, faux pas, flub, fluff, gaffe, goof, indiscretion, lapse, misstep, muff, oversight, peccadillo, slip
definition 10: a skip, dance, or nimble movement of the feet.
prance, scamper, skip
similar words:
caper, dance, frisk, frolic, gambol, hop, romp, strut
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part of speech: intransitive verb
inflections: trips, tripping, tripped
definition 1: to stumble or fall, often because of there being something unseen in one's path.
He tripped over the extension cord.She had nearly won the race when she suddenly tripped.
stumble, topple
similar words:
fall, falter, flip, flop, lose one's balance, lurch, pitch, slide, slip, sprawl, stagger, tumble
definition 2: to make a mistake; falter.
Nervousness made him trip on his words.
err, falter, stumble
similar words:
blunder, bungle, flounder, flub, fluff, foul up, goof, muff, slip, stagger
definition 3: to dance, skip, or step nimbly.
They tripped merrily down the street.
dance, prance, scamper, skip
similar words:
boogie, caper, cavort, frisk, frolic, gambol, hop, romp, strut
definition 4: (slang) to experience the euphoric or hallucinatory effects of a drug.
similar words:
hallucinate, wig out
part of speech: transitive verb
definition 1: to cause to fall or stumble.
The fleeing suspect tripped the police officer by throwing a bicycle in his path.A low branch tripped me as I was hiking in the woods.
similar words:
fell, flip, spill, throw, tip over, topple, upset
definition 2: to cause to fail or falter (often followed by "up").
That somewhat ambiguous question at the end is what tripped up a lot of the students.
foul up, thwart
similar words:
confuse, disconcert, halt, hinder, obstruct, throw
definition 3: to catch in a mistake or inconsistency (often followed by "up").
The attorney was clearly trying to trip up the witness.
outsmart, trap
similar words:
catch, fool, hook, outfox, outwit, snare, trick
definition 4: to release a trigger or switch, thereby setting (something) in motion or operation.
The cat tripped the burglar alarm.
activate, switch on, trigger
similar words:
flip, pull, release, start, throw
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