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parts of speech:
transitive verb, intransitive verb, noun, adjective, adverb
Word Combinations (verb, noun, adjective), Word Builder, Word Explorer
part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: trims, trimming, trimmed
definition 1: to make neat, orderly, or manageable by cutting, clipping, or otherwise removing excess material.
crop, prune
similar words:
barber, bob, clip, curtail, cut, dock, edit, fashion, pare, plane, poll, reduce, shape, share, shear, style, tidy up, truncate
definition 2: to remove (excess materials or items, ragged edges, or the like) by or as if by cutting.
clip, delete, excise, prune
similar words:
amputate, chop off, crop, cut out, edit out, expunge, lop off, nip, pare, remove, sever, shave, shear, snip
definition 3: to decorate or make an attractive display of or in (a Christmas tree, display window, or the like).
decorate, edge
similar words:
adorn, apparel, border, deck, embellish, festoon, garnish, gussy up, ornament, purfle, purl, spangle, trick out
definition 4: to balance or adjust (a boat or sails) so as to produce the desired movement or positioning.
similar words:
adjust, balance, ballast, rearrange, reef, shift, stabilize
part of speech: intransitive verb
definition 1: to adjust sails for optimum performance.
similar words:
definition 2: to be cautiously neutral or adjust one's opinions so as not to offend anyone.
similar words:
equivocate, hedge, waffle
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
part of speech: noun
definition 1: condition, as regards fitness or readiness for work or use.
Since he exercises, he is in fine trim.
condition, shape
similar words:
adjustment, fettle, fitness, form, kilter, order, repair, state
definition 2: material used for decorative additions or accessories, often along edges, as on clothing, windows and doorways, or automobiles.
decoration, edging, molding, trimming
similar words:
accessory, border, embellishment, flounce, frill, fringe, ornamentation, piping, purl, trappings
definition 3: an act or instance of trimming, esp. of hair.
The barber gave him a quick trim.
clip, trimming
similar words:
bob, chop, crop, cut, haircut, paring, pruning, shave, snip
definition 4: the position of a boat, ship, sail, or airplane relative to its horizontal axis or to its optimal position for desired motion.
similar words:
adjustment, balance, stability
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
part of speech: adjective
inflections: trimmer, trimmest
definition 1: having a neat, orderly appearance or outline.
neat, orderly, sleek, snug, tidy
frowzy, messy, sloppy
similar words:
dapper, shipshape, smooth, spruce, streamlined, well-groomed
definition 2: in good condition; compactly structured; fit.
fit, lean
fat, flabby
similar words:
athletic, compact, healthy, lithe, sleek, slender, slim, snug, sound, svelte
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
part of speech: adverb
inflections: trimmer, trimmest
definition: in a trim fashion or manner.
neatly, tidily
similar words:
clean, compactly, shipshape, smartly, smooth
derivations: trimly (adv.), trimmer (n.), trimness (n.)
Word Builder: trim +
  • trimmer:
    a tool for trimming something, such as hair or plants.
Word Explorer
  car, hair, health, hygiene