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mI shn
Word Combinations (noun), Word Parts
part of speech: noun
definition 1: a group of people sent to a foreign location to establish relations and conduct trade or do diplomatic or religious work.
A Catholic mission established itself in Beijing in the thirteenth century.
ambassadors, delegation, deputation, diplomats, embassy, emissaries, envoys, missionaries
definition 2: the purpose guiding such a group of people.
The priests were committed to their mission of converting the people to Christianity.
cause, crusade
similar words:
calling, inspiration, justification, motive, purpose, reason, vocation
definition 3: any important task that one is sent to do, or a goal that one has imposed on oneself.
The astronaut's mission, in 1962, was to orbit the earth.
assignment, charge, undertaking
similar words:
detail, duty, errand, job, task
definition 4: an individual or a team of people whose goal is to explore and gather information about a new territory or part of outer space, or a particular instance of travel and exploration by such people.
The astronaut was the last of his mission to return to Earth.The year 1969 saw the first successful mission to the moon.
definition 5: the buildings and land used by such a group.
The monks live in a mission outside the city.
similar words:
church, compound, embassy
definition 6: a particular task or self-imposed duty, often religious and performed with great conviction.
similar words:
calling, observance, offering, penance, rite, sacrifice, vocation
definition 7: a place in a city, typically operated by a church or other institution, where homeless or destitute people can find help, esp. in the form of food or shelter.
home, shelter
similar words:
protection, refuge
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