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fIg yr
parts of speech:
noun, transitive verb, intransitive verb
figure on, figure out
Word Combinations (noun, verb), Word Explorer, Word Parts
part of speech: noun
definition 1: a number or other written symbol other than a letter of the alphabet.
You must include additional figures, such as & and %, in your password.The instructor wrote the figures 3, 5, and 7 on the board.
number, numeral
similar words:
character, cipher, digit, sign, symbol
definition 2: a numerical value or amount.
The figures in this column represent your expenditures.
amount, count, number, sum, total
similar words:
aggregate, calculation, cost, price, quotation, rate, value
definition 3: the form or outline of something; shape of something indistinct.
They saw only a figure in the darkness.
form, shape
similar words:
outline, silhouette
definition 4: the shape of a human body.
She has the lithe figure of a gymnast.The artist didn't feel he was very talented at drawing figures.
similar words:
body, build, cut, frame, physique
definition 5: a crafted representation, such as a sculpture of a human, animal, or other form.
The tour guide pointed out the figures that stood out from the exterior walls of the cathedral.
similar words:
bust, carving, cast, effigy, figurine, icon, image, mold, representation, statue
definition 6: a person of note.
A senator is a public figure, and the press are naturally interested in his or her activities.
notable, personage, personality, worthy
similar words:
character, dignitary, name, somebody
definition 7: person, animal, or thing that is a symbol for something.
emblem, symbol
similar words:
icon, metaphor, representation
definition 8: a pictorial pattern.
The skater traced a figure in the ice.
design, pattern
similar words:
device, motif, outline, shape
definition 9: (pl.) arithmetic.
I've never been good at figures.
arithmetic, mathematics
similar words:
calculation, computation, statistics, sums
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: figures, figuring, figured
definition 1: to calculate numerically.
I've figured the cost of a vacation in Greece, and I think we can afford it.
calculate, cipher, compute, count, reckon
similar words:
add up, enumerate, estimate, number, numerate, sum up, tot up, total
definition 2: to depict pictorially.
depict, draw, portray
similar words:
delineate, image, limn, outline, picture, reckon, sketch, trace
definition 3: to adorn with a pattern.
adorn, ornament, pattern
similar words:
bedeck, embellish
definition 4: (informal) to believe or conclude after consideration.
When she didn't arrive at 6:00, they figured that her plane had been delayed.He figured that they would find out eventually, so he decided to tell them.
believe, conclude, reckon
similar words:
assume, conjecture, guess, imagine, judge, reason, suppose, surmise, think
part of speech: intransitive verb
definition 1: to work with numerical figures; calculate.
calculate, cipher, compute, reckon
similar words:
tot up, total
definition 2: to appear, be involved, or be relevant.
The thief had figured in many of the recent robberies.
similar words:
appear, count, engage in, participate
definition 3: to make sense or be logical based on available evidence.
From what the two witnesses said, it figures that the suspect is telling the truth.He's late again? Well, he's always late, so it figures!
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
phrase: figure on, figure out
Word Explorer
  body, mathematics, measure, number, think
Word PartsSubscriber feature About this feature