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parts of speech:
transitive verb, intransitive verb, noun
at every turn, out of turn, take turns, turn a blind eye, turn around, turn back, turn down, turn into, turn off, turn on, turn out, turn up
Word Combinations (verb, noun), Word History, Word Explorer
part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: turns, turning, turned
definition 1: to cause to move around a center point.
Turn the dial.
pivot, revolve, rotate, wheel
similar words:
crank, move, roll, round, spin, swing, swirl, swivel, twirl, twist, whirl, wind
definition 2: to cause to shift from one side to the other by rotating.
She turned the plant toward the sun.
similar words:
deviate, divert, roll, rotate, shift, swivel
definition 3: to alter the course or direction of.
Turn the car left.
deflect, swing, veer
similar words:
angle, avert, bend, diverge, divert, sheer, shunt, swerve, tack
definition 4: to change the position of by rotating or reversing.
He turned his desk toward the window.Please turn the page.
reverse, shift
similar words:
avert, flip, invert, move, overturn, pivot, roll, rotate, swivel, tip, upturn
definition 5: to alter the nature, character, or color of.
Embarrassment turned his cheeks red.
change, convert, transform, transmute
similar words:
alter, metamorphose, modify, mutate, transfigure, transmogrify, transubstantiate
definition 6: to damage by twisting.
She turned her ankle.
sprain, twist, wrench
similar words:
disjoint, dislocate, strain
definition 7: to make queasy or nauseated.
That gory movie turned my stomach.
similar words:
sicken, sour, unsettle, upset
definition 8: to direct towards.
She was now making enough money to turn her full attention to art.
address, employ
similar words:
apply, avert, dedicate, devote, direct, incline, put
definition 9: to send out, let go, or drive away.
They turned the beggar out on the street.You can turn your dog loose at the dog park.
similar words:
boot, bounce, discharge, dismiss, drive, eject, expel, free, kick out, loose, oust, send
definition 10: to cause to antagonize.
He turned the dog against me.
similar words:
bias, influence, persuade, prejudice, set
definition 11: to convert into a greater amount.
He turned a penny into a dollar.
definition 12: to fold, bend, or crease.
She turned the metal bar with her bare hands.The hotel maid turned down the bed covers.
bend, crease, twist
similar words:
coil, contort, curl, curve, double, flex, fold, warp
definition 13: to ferment or make sour.
Warm weather turned the milk.
ferment, sour
similar words:
acidify, clabber, curdle, putrefy, spoil
part of speech: intransitive verb
definition 1: to rotate or revolve on a point or axis.
We heard a key turn in the lock.
pivot, revolve, rotate, swivel, wheel
similar words:
crank, flip, gyrate, reel, roll, spin, swirl, twirl, whirl
definition 2: to move or shift back and forth.
He couldn't sleep and was turning all night.
rock, roll, swing
similar words:
move, rotate, shift, sway
definition 3: to change one's direction.
She suddenly turned and ran in the opposite direction.At the next corner, you turn left.
reverse, veer, wheel
similar words:
about-face, back, bear, bend, jog, roll, sheer, swerve, twirl, twist, whirl
definition 4: to change one's loyalty or allegiance.
He turned away from all his old friends.
defect, withdraw
similar words:
apostatize, desert, diverge, flip-flop, remove, tergiversate
definition 5: to direct one's interest toward something.
She lost interest in music and turned to painting instead.
similar words:
aim, incline
definition 6: to seek help or support from someone (fol. by "to").
In times of crisis, he turns to his father for help.
similar words:
appeal, gravitate, resort
definition 7: to feel as if twirling or revolving as the result of giddiness or dizziness.
His head was turning and he had to sit down.
reel, spin, swirl, whirl
definition 8: to change to a new state or condition.
The green leaves turned red.The crowd turned angry.
similar words:
alter, change, metamorphose
definition 9: to become sour, fermented, or rancid.
The milk was left out of the refrigerator last night, and I think it has turned.
ferment, sour
similar words:
acidify, clabber, curdle, putrefy, rot, spoil
definition 10: to suddenly direct violence or anger at another.
The lion turned on its trainer.Be careful what you say to him today or he'll turn on you next.
similar words:
about-face, assault, attack
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
phrase: turn around, turn back, turn down, turn into, turn off, turn on, turn out, turn up
part of speech: noun
definition 1: the act or process of turning.
With a turn of this dial, you can adjust the temperature.
revolution, rotation, wheel
similar words:
bend, circuit, eddy, gyration, pirouette, pivot, rightabout, roll, serve, sheer, spin, turnabout, twirl, twist, whirl, wind
definition 2: a change of direction, position, or condition.
The truck made the turn at a slow speed.My life has been taking a turn for the better.
change, movement, shift, turning, veer
similar words:
about-face, alteration, caracole, deviation, flip-flop, inversion, reversal, reversion, skew, swerve, switch, turnabout, turnaround, twist, U-turn, volte-face
definition 3: a complete revolution of a wheel.
Tighten the screw by giving it a few clockwise turns.
revolution, rotation
similar words:
cycle, roll, round
definition 4: an angle, bend, or curve.
There are several turns in the path.
bend, curve, hook, winding
similar words:
arc, arch, corner, crook, deflection, dogleg, jog, loop, meander, oxbow, turning, twist, warp, zigzag
definition 5: a characteristic or inherent mood, style, or tendency.
She's always had an artistic turn of mind.
aptitude, cast, predisposition, proclivity, propensity, tendency
similar words:
bent, bias, flair, inclination, learning, makeup, mode, predilection, style, warp
definition 6: a point in time that marks the beginning of a new or different period.
These styles were popular at the turn of the century.
similar words:
crossroad, dawn, juncture, turning point, zero hour
definition 7: an action or service that is rendered.
She did him a good turn, and he wanted to repay her in some way.
similar words:
act, action, benefaction, courtesy, deed, disservice, favor, harm, hurt, injury, kindness, wrong
definition 8: an opportunity for an action to be performed in a certain order.
It is your turn to take out the garbage.When it was my turn, I moved my bishop and captured his queen.
similar words:
chance, crack, go, move, opportunity, say, shift, spell, stint, time, try, whack
definition 9: a short trip, tour, or excursion.
Let's take a turn along the waterfront.
jaunt, ramble, spin, stroll, walk, whirl
similar words:
constitutional, drive, excursion, hike, meander, promenade, ride, tramp
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
phrase: at every turn, out of turn, take turns, turn a blind eye
Word History
Turn comes from tornare, which means "to turn on a lathe." This Latin word comes from tornos, an ancient Greek word that meant "tool for drawing circles."
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  airplane, head, tool