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p zI shn
parts of speech:
noun, transitive verb
Word Combinations (noun, verb)
part of speech: noun
definition 1: the location of a person or thing.
The control tower asked the pilot to give the position of his airplane.
location, place, situation
similar words:
lie, lien, locality, locus, site, spot, station, venue
definition 2: the appropriate location of a person or thing.
The secret service men took up their positions along the parade route.
place, post, space, station
similar words:
niche, seat, site, situation, slot, spot, stand
definition 3: the way something is placed or arranged.
He put the shotgun in a standing position.
arrangement, order, placement
similar words:
array, configuration, disposition, distribution, installation
definition 4: a person's rank or status within a group.
The principal is in a position of authority.
rank, standing, station, status
similar words:
capacity, degree, grade, level, place, spot, stage
definition 5: one's situation, esp. in relation to one's sense of advantage or disadvantage.
Their request put him in an awkward position.
condition, place, situation, state, station
similar words:
case, pass, plight, rank, status
definition 6: point of view; opinion.
Her positions are generally liberal.
opinion, point of view, stand, standpoint, viewpoint, views
similar words:
angle, attitude, conviction, outlook, perception, perspective, pulse, stance
definition 7: appointed job.
She'll be able to use more of her skills in her new position.
appointment, berth, billet, job, post, work
similar words:
assignment, business, capacity, commission, duty, employment, occupation, office, place, pursuit, rank, task
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: positions, positioning, positioned
definition 1: to arrange in a particular way or a particular place.
He positioned the chairs in front of the window.
arrange, dispose, locate, place, set, site, situate
similar words:
aim, array, collocate, emplace, install, localize, order, organize, orient, pitch, posture, put, rank, seat, space
definition 2: to put (oneself) in a particular location, stance, or attitude, either physically or with regard to an issue or situation.
He positioned himself well to get the nomination.
similar words:
aim, dispose, establish, jockey, posit, set, sit
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
derivation: positional (adj.)