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parts of speech:
noun, transitive verb, intransitive verb
Word Combinations (noun, verb), Word Builder
part of speech: noun
definition 1: something such as a spot, line, or scar that is visible on a surface.
The workers' boots left black marks on the floor.There were no marks on the body to help identify it for the police.
similar words:
blemish, blot, dot, notch, pit, scar, score, scratch, spot, stain
definition 2: a symbol or sign.
A comma is a mark in a system of punctuation.Unable to sign his name, the man made his mark on the agreement.
badge, emblem, identification, signature
similar words:
brand, indicator, sign, symbol
definition 3: an indication.
Teasing is often a mark of affection.
evidence, sign, symbol, symptom, token
similar words:
hallmark, proof, signature
definition 4: a goal or target; standard.
His work didn't come up to the mark.
norm, par, standard, target
similar words:
code, criterion, finish line, gauge, goal, grade, ideal, measure
definition 5: a grade in an academic course or on an assignment or test.
She was proud that her exam received the highest mark in the class.
grade, score
similar words:
definition 6: (informal) the intended victim of a swindle.
He was gullible and an easy mark.
prey, quarry
similar words:
dupe, gull, target, victim
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: marks, marking, marked
definition 1: to put a mark on.
The child's sticky fingers marked the glass.
similar words:
blemish, brand, initial, mar, scar, score, scratch, sign, spot, stain, stamp
definition 2: to identify or be a feature of.
His voice marks him as a singer.
characterize, identify, label, tag
similar words:
betoken, brand, classify, denote, distinguish, feature, reveal, stamp
definition 3: to indicate limits (often fol. by "off").
This line marks off our property.
circumscribe, define, delimit, demarcate
similar words:
delineate, denote, outline
definition 4: to identify by putting a mark on.
I forgot to mark this present and now I don't remember if it's for Alex or John.
check off
similar words:
brand, designate, indicate, label, notch, score, tag
definition 5: to evaluate and judge (schoolwork or the like), often assigning a grade to.
The teaching assistant marked the exams.Why did the teacher mark this answer wrong? It looks right to me.Question seven was marked as incorrect when it was actually correct.
grade, score
similar words:
appraise, evaluate, judge, rank
definition 6: to pay attention to; give heed to.
Mark well what I am saying.
attend, heed, mind, note, regard, take note of
similar words:
consider, hear, observe, remark, witness
definition 7: to make a mark in order to indicate (some information).
The new patient marked on the form that she had both hypertension and diabetes.
part of speech: intransitive verb
definition 1: to make a mark or marks.
similar words:
definition 2: to be capable of receiving a mark or impression.
Be careful, for the wall marks easily.
similar words:
scratch, spot, stain
definition 3: to evaluate and grade schoolwork.
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
Word Builder: mark +
  • marker:
    a pen with a thick tip.